ovn-controller-vtep(8) OVN Manual ovn-controller-vtep(8) NAME ovn-controller-vtep - Open Virtual Network local controller for vtep enabled physical switches. SYNOPSIS ovn-controller-vtep [options] [--vtep-db=vtep-database] [--ovnsb- db=ovnsb-database] DESCRIPTION ovn-controller-vtep is the local controller daemon in OVN, the Open Virtual Network, for VTEP enabled physical switches. It connects up to the OVN Southbound database (see ovn-sb(5)) over the OVSDB protocol, and down to the VTEP database (see vtep(5)) over the OVSDB protocol. PKI Options PKI configuration is required in order to use SSL for the connections to the VTEP and Southbound databases. -p privkey.pem --private-key=privkey.pem Specifies a PEM file containing the private key used as identity for outgoing SSL connections. -c cert.pem --certificate=cert.pem Specifies a PEM file containing a certificate that certi‐ fies the private key specified on -p or --private-key to be trustworthy. The certificate must be signed by the certifi‐ cate authority (CA) that the peer in SSL connections will use to verify it. -C cacert.pem --ca-cert=cacert.pem Specifies a PEM file containing the CA certificate for ver‐ ifying certificates presented to this program by SSL peers. (This may be the same certificate that SSL peers use to verify the certificate specified on -c or --certificate, or it may be a different one, depending on the PKI design in use.) -C none --ca-cert=none Disables verification of certificates presented by SSL peers. This introduces a security risk, because it means that certificates cannot be verified to be those of known trusted hosts. --bootstrap-ca-cert=cacert.pem When cacert.pem exists, this option has the same effect as -C or --ca-cert. If it does not exist, then the exe‐ cutable will attempt to obtain the CA certificate from the SSL peer on its first SSL connection and save it to the named PEM file. If it is successful, it will immedi‐ ately drop the connection and reconnect, and from then on all SSL connections must be authenticated by a certifi‐ cate signed by the CA certificate thus obtained. This option exposes the SSL connection to a man-in-the- middle attack obtaining the initial CA certificate, but it may be useful for bootstrapping. This option is only useful if the SSL peer sends its CA certificate as part of the SSL certificate chain. The SSL protocol does not require the server to send the CA cer‐ tificate. This option is mutually exclusive with -C and --ca-cert. --peer-ca-cert=peer-cacert.pem Specifies a PEM file that contains one or more additional certificates to send to SSL peers. peer-cacert.pem should be the CA certificate used to sign the program’s own cer‐ tificate, that is, the certificate specified on -c or --certificate. If the program’s certificate is self- signed, then --certificate and --peer-ca-cert should specify the same file. This option is not useful in normal operation, because the SSL peer must already have the CA certificate for the peer to have any confidence in the program’s identity. However, this offers a way for a new installation to bootstrap the CA certificate on its first SSL connection. Other Options --unixctl=socket Sets the name of the control socket on which program listens for runtime management commands (see RUNTIME MANAGEMENT COMMANDS, below). If socket does not begin with /, it is interpreted as relative to . If --unixctl is not used at all, the default socket is /program.pid.ctl, where pid is program’s process ID. On Windows a local named pipe is used to listen for runtime man‐ agement commands. A file is created in the absolute path as pointed by socket or if --unixctl is not used at all, a file is created as program in the configured OVS_RUNDIR directory. The file exists just to mimic the behavior of a Unix domain socket. Specifying none for socket disables the control socket feature. -h --help Prints a brief help message to the console. -V --version Prints version information to the console. CONFIGURATION ovn-controller-vtep retrieves its configuration information from both the ovnsb and the vtep database. If the database locations are not given from command line, the default is the db.sock in local OVSDB’s ’run’ directory. The database location must take one of the following forms: • ssl:host:port The specified SSL port on the give host, which can either be a DNS name (if built with unbound library) or an IP address (IPv4 or IPv6). If host is an IPv6 address, then wrap host with square brackets, e.g.: ssl:[::1]:6640. The --private-key, --certificate and either of --ca-cert or --bootstrap-ca-cert options are mandatory when this form is used. • tcp:host:port Connect to the given TCP port on host, where host can be a DNS name (if built with unbound library) or IP address (IPv4 or IPv6). If host is an IPv6 address, then wrap host with square brackets, e.g.: tcp:[::1]:6640. • unix:file On POSIX, connect to the Unix domain server socket named file. On Windows, connect to a localhost TCP port whose value is written in file. ovn-controller-vtep assumes it gets configuration information from the following keys in the Global table of the connected hardware_vtep data‐ base: other_config:ovn-match-northd-version The boolean flag indicates if ovn-controller-vtep needs to check ovn-northd version. If this flag is set to true and the ovn-northd’s version (reported in the Southbound database) doesn’t match with the ovn-controller-vtep’s internal version, then it will stop processing the south‐ bound and connected hardware_vtep database changes. The default value is considered false if this option is not defined. other_config:ovn-remote-probe-interval The inactivity probe interval of the connection to the OVN Southbound database, in milliseconds. If the value is zero, it disables the connection keepalive feature. If the value is nonzero, then it will be forced to a value of at least 1000 ms. OVN 24.09.90 ovn-controller-vtep ovn-controller-vtep(8)