
OVN 21.03

OVN 21.03 was initially released on 12 March, 2021. This version of OVN is no longer supported. Support ended on 12 March, 2022.


v21.03.0 was released on 12 March, 2021.

Github link

Release Notes:

OVN v21.03.0 - 12 Mar 2021
  - Support ECMP multiple nexthops for reroute router policies.
   - BFD protocol support according to RFC880 [0]. Introduce next-hop BFD
     availability check for OVN static routes.
     [0] https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5880)
  - Change the semantic of the "Logical_Switch_Port.up" field such that it is
    set to "true" only when all corresponding OVS openflow operations have
    been processed.  This also introduces a new "OVS.Interface.external-id",
    "ovn-installed".  This external-id is set by ovn-controller only after all
    openflow operations corresponding to the OVS interface being added have
    been processed.
  - ovn-ctl: Added new command line argument '--ovsdb-disable-file-column-diff'
    to support ovsdb-server upgrades from version 2.14 and earlier to
    2.15 and later.  See ovsdb(7) for more details.
  - Add a new option to Load_Balancer.options, "hairpin_snat_ip", to allow
    users to explicitly select which source IP should be used for load
    balancer hairpin traffic.
  - ovn-controller: Add configuration knobs, through OVS external-id
    "ovn-limit-lflow-cache" and "ovn-memlimit-lflow-cache-kb", to allow
    enforcing a limit for the size of the logical flow cache based on
    maximum number of entries and/or memory usage.
  - ovn-controller: Add lflow cache related memory reports.
