OVN 24.09 was initially released on 13 September, 2024. This version of OVN is currently supported for all bug fixes. Support for this version will end on 13 September, 2025.
v24.09.2 was released on 21 January, 2025.
Release Notes:
OVN v24.09.2 - 21 Jan 2025
- Bug fixes
v24.09.1 was released on 18 October, 2024.
Release Notes:
OVN v24.09.1 - 18 Oct 2024
- Bug fixes
v24.09.0 was released on 13 September, 2024.
Release Notes:
OVN v24.09.0 - 13 Sep 2024
- Added a new logical switch port option "pkt_clone_type".
If the value is set to "mc_unknown", packets destined to the port gets
cloned to all unknown ports connected to the same Logical Switch.
- Added a new logical switch port option "disable_arp_nd_rsp" to
disable adding the ARP responder flows if set to true.
- IGMP_Group has new "protocol" column that displays the the group
protocol version.
- Add ovn-debug tool containing two commands.
"lflow-stage-to-ltable STAGE_NAME" that converts stage name into logical
flow table id.
"lflow-stage-to-oftable STAGE_NAME" that converts stage name into OpenFlow
table id.
- Rename the ovs-sandbox script to ovn-sandbox.
- Remove "ovn-set-local-ip" config option from vswitchd
external-ids, the option is no longer needed as it became effectively
"true" for all scenarios.
- Added DHCPv4 relay support.
- A new LSP option "force_fdb_lookup" has been added to ensure the additional
MAC addresses configured on the LSP with "unknown", are learnt via the
OVN native FDB.
- Add support for ovsdb-server `--config-file` option in ovn-ctl.
- Add "ovn-bridge-remote" config option to vswitchd external-ids,
that allows to specify connection method to management bridge for
ovn-controller, defaulting to the unix socket.
- Add "ovn-bridge-remote-probe-interval" config option to vswitchd
external-ids, that sets probe interval for integration bridge connection,
disabled by default.
- The "options:ic-route-blacklist" option in the Northbound NB_Global table
has been renamed to "options:ic-route-denylist" in order to comply with
inclusive language guidelines. The previous name is still recognized to
aid with backwards compatibility.
- NATs can now be given an arbitrary match condition and priority. This
allows for conditional NATs to be configured. See the ovn-nb(5) man
page for more information.
- Added new global config option NB_Global:options:vxlan_mode to support
ability to disable "VXLAN mode" to extend available tunnel IDs space for
datapaths from 4095 to 16711680. For more details see man ovn-nb(5) for
mentioned option.
- Added new global config option NB_Global:options:always_tunnel. If set to
true, the traffic destined to a logical port of a provider logical switch
(having a localnet port) will be tunnelled instead of sending it via the
localnet port.
- Added support to define boundaries (min and max values) for selected ct
- Add support for CT zone limit that can be specified per LR
(options:ct-zone-limit), LS (other_config:ct-zone-limit) or LSP
- A new LSP option "disable_garp_rarp" has been added to prevent OVN from
sending GARP or RARP announcements when a VIF is created on a bridged
logical switch.
- A new LRP option 'centralize_routing' has been added to a
distributed gateway port to centralize routing if the logical
switch of its peer doesn't have a localnet port.
- The NB_Global.debug_drop_domain_id configured value is now overridden by
the ID associated with the Sampling_App record created for drop sampling
(Sampling_App.type configured as "drop").
- Add support for ACL sampling through the new Sample_Collector and Sample
tables. Sampling is supported for both traffic that creates new
connections and for traffic that is part of an existing connection.
- Add "external_ids:ovn-encap-ip-default" config for ovn-controller to
determine the default encap IP when there are multiple encap IPs
- Added a new column in the southbound database "flow_desc" to provide
human readable context to flows.
- Added two new experimental logical router port options,
"routing-protocol-redirect" and "routing-protocols", that allow
redirection of routing protocol traffic received by a router port
to a different logical switch port.